Night Reflection at Art Basel Miami 2022 with Time Pieces / Morgan Stanley / National Geographic

Good news all!! Night Reflection 1.8 is going to be displayed in Miami next week during Art Basel. This amazing opportunity is provided by Time Pieces, Morgan Stanley & National Geographic. I won’t be able to assist, but Kim is going to be there in person to sign autographs and sign Christmas songs for you. I’ll update the page once I have more details.

About Night Reflecion 1.8:

Bolivia, 2017. This is lit by hand in three seconds. This is one of our classics, one of our best images ever and at the same time, it’s been made in a naïve way, in extremely harsh conditions… in the cold, in the middle of the night, at high altitude. But somehow everything aligned into this unique creation. A shape that I have never been able to replicate. The way Kim’s arm frames into the twirl is just too perfect. I can’t help to think that I have simply been lucky. And that luck came because we've put everything we had into this project. We did so many of those to achieve this single one. It’s a single occurrence out of the tens of thousands of shots we have made over the years. read more…


Morning Tea & Torture podcast with TapirOne


Exhibit at Venice Biennale with Superchief Gallery NFT / MetaJungle