Night Reflection Ten - Winterland
We surrounded ourselves with sleeping nature, the one that shelters many creatures during the coldest months.
Launch date: April 8th, 2022.
Winterland. This chapter is the coldest of them all. It is a testimony of us trying to push ourselves to create things we didn’t think we would be able to. Winter can be a symbol of isolation, solitude, harshness and dormancy, but also sublime beauty, magic and resilience. While others would normally get warm inside during long winter nights, we decided to explore and create. Creating in the cold is a whole different type of experience that brings particular challenges. More than ever we need to rely on our years of experience and our preparation to make quick decisions and create the best images we can with the minutes we have at hand. Time is limited not by the usual constraints of the blue hour, but mostly by cold temperature and the limitations it imposes on our bodies & minds. Needless to say that losing dexterity when manipulating small objects is a real challenge. Nonetheless, that whole process stimulates us to get stronger and more adaptable both physically & psychologically.
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Night Reflection 10.10 - Created and released in January 2023. An edition of 20 tokens. This is a vertical extension of series #10. Full details here.