About this picture
Kim: Dream Territory is where reality meets fantasy and imagination. The blue hour, our light-painting and nature reflecting the trace of light is most probably our favorite combination of elements. The blue sky contrasts with the vivid colors of the light-painting and the landscape is revealed in a way we wouldn’t have access to otherwise. Our reflection is partly mirrored or abstracted depending on the way the elements interact with us. Including images created between 2017 and 2021 in five different countries, this colorful chapter testifies our love for both simplicity and magnificence.
Eric: These images have been created between 2017 and 2021. All of those prior to 2021 are made with my usual MilkyOrange tube (my signature tube for blue-hour work). But in the summer of 2021, I felt the need to explore with different texture, gradients and colors. Many of these experimentations are never going to be published, but one that really stood out is the use of this yellowish/purpleish tube that we call the “Sugar tube”. That was actually not a new color for me, but that is one that was reserved for studio work. When the right conditions align, this creates magical constrasty visuals and ultra-yummy reflections on the lake.
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About the Night Reflection Nine series
This series is the result of a creative process that has been evolving over the past 8 years. Crafting light by hand to create imagery that magnifies reality in a single exposure is at the core of our projects. These outdoor tube light-painting creations testify to the importance of two things that inspire my photography journey: a love for light-painting as an artistic expression and a love for landscapes that evoke the vastness, mystery, and beauty of nature. Each image is the result of a long exposure during which Kim, a contemporary dancer, and my creative partner, stays still while I move the light behind her. Combining in a singular way light-painting and landscape photography, the process looks like a performance of dancing light and human stillness in the silence of the night.
This is the second tome of our very first chapter, Dream Territory II, illustrating how elements of nature impact the art we are creating. We love to shoot near shallow water for that reason, even though it usually makes the creation process more complicated. Every trace of light made by hand is unique and impossible to replicate. When the location allows for reflection of light, the specific conditions of that moment (be it wind, depth of the water or waves) change the reflected trace of light in a unique way, contributing to the creation of a slightly altered perspective of reality.
Acting as a purpose to travel, our projects keep us learning and moving forward. Since 2015, our journey through outdoor tube light-painting has been giving us the opportunity to push our limits and stay outdoors for long hours through the cold, the wind, the mosquitoes, and other unpredictable challenges to experience, create, and capture unique moments of magic after sunset, seeking to inspire others to go explore and play with lights.